Students posing at opening day

Why Get your Degree at the College of the Arts

For starters — four good reasons…

1. You Can Get There From Here

“Whether it’s an internship in Manhattan, a performing tour in New Zealand, or career ambition anywhere, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的艺术学院可以帮助你到达那里.”

Just 14 miles from midtown Manhattan, which is visible from our campus on the hill, 坐落着十大博彩推荐排名州立大学艺术学院.

The College of the Arts (CART)是一个专业的艺术家培训基地, performers, practitioners, media storytellers, and teachers. Based on the professional school model, CART offers intensive programs in the arts, 结合广泛的文科教育, 为学生从事艺术和设计工作做准备, Communication and Media, Dance, Music, and Theatre.

自1978年以来被公认为新泽西卓越艺术中心, CART于1987年以600万美元的总监挑战奖助金(同类中已知最大的奖助金)再次得到认可!),并多次通过其认证和奖励. What government agencies know, and our students appreciate first-hand, are Montclair’s progressive degree programs, world-class faculty and first-rate facilities.

在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,我们相信艺术在一个协同的环境中茁壮成长. With access to 2,300个大学课程和跨学科的机会, CART是一个创造力不仅可以形成的环境, but takes flight. 大约有3000名学生在艺术学院学习. Together with 18,000 other students university-wide, 他们代表了这个州的各个地区和世界上的许多地方. 但真正让我们的学生与众不同的是他们对个性的追求. Through internships, 以及CART的制作/演出/展览机会, 我们的学生从大一开始就开始制作简历.

2. 位置,位置,位置,三个世界中最好的


Manhattan’s living textbook of world-class museums, galleries, concert halls, theatres, 节日和广播场所提供了最好的艺术——最前沿的艺术. Our students have access to all this, 再加上与世界上一些最负盛名的艺术机构建立终身联系的机会. All this . . . 只需30分钟的公共汽车或火车,都停在大学校园.

离家更近的是十大博彩推荐排名镇 这是一个美丽的郊区国际大都市,拥有自己的艺术遗产. Once a turn of the century artists’ colony, 今天,这个小镇是一个繁荣的艺术社区的所在地, with several art galleries, cinemas, professional music, theatre and opera companies, 还有全国知名的十大博彩推荐排名艺术博物馆,就在这条路上. 附近还有新泽西表演艺术中心-林肯中心最接近的对手! – and the renowned Newark Museum.

Still, our students needn’t leave the campus 完全不是为了丰富文化和娱乐. Not a day passes when there aren’t movies, plays, performances, exhibits … plus sports, club meetings and more.

3. 先进的学位课程和一流的设施

“I’m so glad I chose Montclair. 即使在主修艺术的同时,我也可以选修商业课程,并辅修一个完全不同的领域. I can even double-major.”

艺术学院支持广泛的艺术兴趣. 通过它的四个学术单位,学院提供多达100个 50 majors, minors and concentrations on the graduate and undergraduate level.

我们最先进的设施包括画廊和展览空间, a sculpture garden, a film and television production center, audio and sound design studios, an expansive News Lab, a social media hub, computer labs, a multitude of art studios, modern dance performance spaces, a ballet studio, six theatre facilities, scene and costume design shops, a music recital hall, rehearsal studios, recording studio and 30 practice rooms.

4. Plus So Much More…

“我不敢相信我可以免费参加所有的CART音乐会, performances, 展览和访问艺术家讲座-只需要出示我的学生证. 上周我们看到了Baryshnikov和上学期的Whoopie Goldberg!”

Complementing the academic programs, 艺术学院支持一系列的观众机会-不仅为十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生, but for thousands of community patrons.

Art and Design Forum and MSU/MAM:艺术讲座以艺术家的持续讲座为特色, designers, 来自世界各地的艺术史学家和艺术评论家, 谁在一个开放的论坛上展示他们的工作和想法.

The School of Communication and Media Building 作为整个大学的教学实验室. 它最广为人知的可能是广受赞誉和屡获殊荣的新闻实验室制作和WMSC 90.3 radio programming.

Arts & Cultural Programming 提供广泛的专业课程, 从开发新的和创新的作品到展示国内和国际艺术家. 活动对公众开放,对十大博彩推荐排名州立大学本科生免费开放!

Memorial Auditorium, the university’s 1,000-seat theatre, hosts all forms of performance presentations, lectures, films and symposia. 其他设施包括新的和最先进的 Alexander Kasser Theater (500个座位),展示进步和当代的作品, plus several smaller spaces, including, Howard Fox Studio Theatre; the Montclair State University Dance Space, and Black Box Theatre. Through the division of Audience Services, 演讲者和赞助人都提供了一系列的设施,以提高他们的表演, viewing and listening experiences.

The Music Concert Series and Theatre and Dance Series 每年举办100多场音乐会, plays, 以学生作品为特色的活动和演奏会, faculty and guest artists.

The University Art Galleries 举办17个年度展览及相关活动, 拥有630件当代收藏和来自地区和国际知名艺术家的作品.

The Extension Division 卡利音乐学院提供私人课程, ensemble participation, 为大学预科的青少年提供音乐理论指导,并为CART的音乐专业提供教学机会. As an extension of the Prep, 每年夏天,斯托克斯音乐营在大学的斯托克斯森林设施为60名天才儿童提供进一步的指导.

艺术学院顾问委员会的工作是通过为奖学金和特殊项目提供资金来支持艺术学院的使命. 董事会成员包括有影响力的企业和社区领袖, including CART alumni and patrons of the arts.

The Office of Student Services, 通常是未来CART学生的第一站, 监督新学生的招聘和录取, 以及为入学学生提供选择性服务. It also sponsors “Arts Days” – events featuring CART’s degree programs.